The AT89S8252 has a build in 2Kbyte flash EEPROM.

You can use this to store data.

Two statements are provided : WRITEEEPROM and READEEPROM.

WRITEEEPROM var [, address ]

var Any BASCOM variable name.
Address The address of the EEPROM where to write the data to.
Ranges from 0 to 2047.
When you omit the address the address will be assigned automatic. You can view the assigned address in the report file.
READEEPROM var [, address ]

var Any BASCOM variable name.
Address The address of the EEPROM where to read the data from.
Ranges from 0 to 2047.
You can omit the address when you have written a value before with the WRITEEEPROM var statement.
Because in that case the compiler knows about the address because it is assigned by the compiler.
Dim S As String * 15 , S2 As String * 10
S = "Hello" : S2 = "test"

Dim L As Long
L = 12345678
Writeeeprom S
Writeeeprom S2 'write strings
Writeeeprom L 'write long

S = "" : S2 = "" : L = 0 'clear variables
Readeeprom L : Print L
Readeeprom S : Print S
Readeeprom S2 : Print S2