The following table
list all errors that can occur.
Nr Error
1 BASIC source file not found
2 Code does not fit into FLASHROM
3 Unknown statement
4 Extension expected
5 Wrong variable or variable not dimensioned
6 Two parameters expected
7 No more space for BIT
8 No more space for BYTE
9 No more space for INTEGER/WORD
10 Wrong type (BIT,BYTE or INTEGER/WORD) expected
11 AS expected by DIM
12 , expected
13 Unknown interrupt
14 IF THEN expected
15 FOR, DO or WHILE expected
16 Wrong number of parameters
17 Illegal compare (=,>,<,<>,<=,>=) expected
18 THEN expected
19 TIMER0 or TIMER1 expected
20 DO expected
21 UNTIL expected
22 Illegal mathematical operation
23 FOR expected
24 WHILE expected
25 Variable not dimensioned
26 Source file not found
27 Label not found
100-134 These are internal assembler warnings. Contact MCS Electronics
135 Too many RAM used
136 Variable already dimensioned
137 Constant must be in range of 1-8
138 Baudrate not supported with selected frequency
139 9 parameters expected
140 COUNTER0 or COUNTER1 expected.
141 = expected.
142 Maximum of 128 aliases statements allowed
143 Duplicate label
144 Value does not fit into byte
145 No more space for external BYTE
146 No more space for external INTEGER/WORD
147 No more space for STRING
148 Call outside 2048 page range. Use $LARGE to compile this program.
150 Unsupported LCD display
151 Unsupported mode
152 Variable not found or dimensioned
153 Wrong type (BYTE,INTEGER/WORD, LONG or STRING) expected
154 : expected
155 SELECT CASE expected
156 Numeric variable expected
157 (external) LONG expected
158 Value does not fit into Integer
159 Value does not fit into Word
160 Value does not fit into Long
161 * xxx (xxx=length) expected
162 Variable expected
163 Small string expected.
164 Variable not DIMensioned
166 Three parameters expected
167 1 or 0 expected
168 4 or 8 expected
170 Wrong value for WATCHDOG
171 Wrong parameter for I2C
172 Byte,Integer or Long expected
173 Variable expected
174 Integer or Long expected
175 Value does not fit into bit
176 Variables must be of the same type
177 Illegal operation
178 Value doesn't fit
179 Not supported
180 Illegal operation in PlaceValue
181 Constant or Internal byte or integer expected for index
182 Invalid device
183 Channel not opened
184 Device already open
185 Device was not open
186 Value does not fit into byte
187 IF ... THEN not allowed on same line as CASE
188 END IF expected
189 CONST expected
190 Channel expected (#x)
191 ALIAS already used
192 Word or Integer expected
193 CONST already defined
194 = expected
195 TO expected
196 Jump out of address range
197 RNDDATA variable not dimensioned
198 ') expected
199 '( expected
206 Library file not found
207 Library file already registered
208 ) expected
209 ( expected
210 LEFT or RIGHT expected
211 External routine not found
212 Valid number must be in range from 1-16
213 Numeric constant expected
214 No SUB found.
215 Already in SUB
216 Wrong mode
217 NOINT expected
218 + must be between {}
219 Address >127, use indirect addressing
999 DEMO allows 2048 bytes of code only