General > 8051 Development Tools

8051 C language


Hi all
I have never used C language to program a 8051, I have a few questions sorry they migth sound stupid; how do you define an interrupt vector in C? For example to define a interrupt vector in assembly for UART I say "ORG 35H", how do you do that in C? is there any predefined method like "main" which we use for "ORG 00"?
Thank you

What are you using to compile the code? SDCC , Micro C?

I use SDCC and it tells you how in the Manual

void sw1_isr(void) interrupt 0; // /INT0 P3_2
void sw2_isr(void) interrupt 2; // /INT0 P3_3

I am sure that if you are usin Micro C it is also explained in the manual.

I am far from an expert just did a little reading


Hi all

I also use SDCC and 8051 (P89V51RD2)

Please visit my 8051 homepage:


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