Author Topic: MINI-MAX/51-E and WebCat  (Read 82965 times)


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MINI-MAX/51-E and WebCat
« on: December 08, 2006, 03:13:05 pm »
Some questions about WebCat:

Is it possible to run a working webcat (although with very limited resources) with just a MM/51-E board alone ? or it\'s mandatory to buy an MMC or a RAM/FLASH peripheral board ?

Does the MMC board come with the cable to connect it with the MM/51-E board ?

Does the MMC board already include the MMC or it has to be bought separately ?

To build a fully functional WebCat server is it ok to buy (in addition to the MM/51-E card I already have)

1) MMC-RTC-1
2) MMC card for the above one

Last question, is it possible to change the I/O status of the MM/51-E board via commands like ""
without any additional board ?

Thanks in advance for the help
« Last Edit: December 08, 2006, 03:32:49 pm by hawui1 »


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Re: MINI-MAX/51-E and WebCat
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2006, 02:47:16 am »

>Is it possible to run a working webcat (although with very limited resources) with just a MM/51-E board alone ? or it\'s mandatory to buy an MMC or a RAM/FLASH peripheral board ?

It is possible to run WebCat without MMC, RAM-1 boards if AT24C1024 EEPROM is installed into a DIL-8 machine socket on MM/51-E board.
In that case all the files served from serial EEPROM.

> Does the MMC board come with the cable to connect it with the MM/51-E board ?  

The MMC board can be installed on top of MM/51-E without a cable. If you need a flat cable it can be purchased separately.

> Does the MMC board already include the MMC or it has to be bought separately ?


>To build a fully functional WebCat server is it ok to buy (in addition to the MM/51-E card I already have)

1) MMC-RTC-1
2) MMC card for the above one


> Last question, is it possible to change the I/O status of the MM/51-E board via commands like ""
without any additional board ?

It is possible if  your setup has any file storage ( MMC, RAM-1, AT24C1024 EEPROM) to keep lights.asp.


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Re: MINI-MAX/51-E and WebCat
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2006, 06:25:49 am »
Thankyou vitaliy,

Just ordered an MMC-RTC board from a reseller here in Europe ;)


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Re: MINI-MAX/51-E and WebCat
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2006, 06:45:43 am »
Please follow my instructions to get started with MMC
- format MMC Card using a PC reader to FAT (! Not FAT32 !)
- file naming should be 8 characters with 3 character filename extension (
- copy the file directly at the root directory of MMC (! No Subfolders !)
- copy config.txt and password.txt from Webcat DEMO files/folder to MMC card
(please make sure you modify the IP address, password, user name etc. with your settings)