General > ThermoPC

Linux driver for ThermoPC

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The latest software on our website:

has command line switches to select units of measurement and specify a logging period.

For now, logged temperature values and timestamps are recorded in a fixed ( "thermopc.log" ) file.

Carlos Miguel:
IMHO U should offer some kind of high level toolkit or API so we not so good programmers can take advantage of ThermoPC, let me tell U, the C version gave me a lot of headaches when I tried to make it send text messages to my cel phone, so I used SWIG to encapsulate ioperm, out and inp into a Python module, next I ported your C app to Python (it was a straightforward search and replace port, simulating the goto\'s with except:-raise:-finally: clauses), next I coded the application that logs the temperature, starts a HTTP server in a nonstd port for remote monitoring, and a panic thread that sends messages to a predefined list of people...I\'m a Thermo PC success history! it has already saved our SAN a couple of times from overheating death.

Just one wish: Will there be someday ThermoPC USB?? no new server comes with LPT ports no more.

Oguz Murtezaoglu:
We will be releasing a serial ( COM port ) version soon. this powers from the COM port. It can be placed 25 or more feet away from the PC.

I am glad to hear that ThermoPC helped save your servers. :) :)



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