EEPROM uses P1.6 and P1.7 port pins of 8051 CPU.
Please download and see the schematics in MINI-MAX/51-C Technical Manual. P1.6 is clock and P1.7 is data.
There is an example project for the EEPROM under \\bipom\\devtools\\microc\\examples\\8051\\eeprom\\24c512.
PIC16C58 is also on the same I2C bus. Main 8051 uses I2C to send commands to the PIC to set the LCD contrast level. PIC can also access the EEPROM directly to modify the EEPROM using WinLoad software from a PC while 8051 is not running.
Also, please see examples under C:\\bipom\\devtools\\MicroC\\Examples\\8051\\tiny\\mm51cTest (
note, the newest release on WEB contains these examples only).
Best regards, Vitaliy