General > 8051 Development Tools

8051 development


Does the Software "Micro-IDE" include a compiler ?
I saw another development product "8051/52  DevelopmentSystem" which include Micro-IDE.

What is the real differences between the 2 softwares ? Does Micro-IDE include a compiler ?
I need to develop some programs for my MINI-MAX/51-D. Is Micro-IDE sufficient for that ?

"8051/52  DevelopmentSystem" includes:
- Micro-IDE;
- Micro C compiler from Dunfield Development Systems;
- XASM 8051/8052 Cross Assembler;
- Help documentation in HTML form;
- Examples for all shipped hardware;
- 8051/52 Simulator;
- debugger;
- loaders.

Micro-IDE is a Windows based Integrated Development Environment for micro-controller systems application development.
Micro-IDE integrates essential components of software development including:
- Multi File Editor with C and Assembly language syntax coloring;
- Integration with toolkits including command line compilers, assemblers, linkers;
- Project Manager;
- Tools: Terminal program, Calculator, ASCII Chart.


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