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Micro-IDE / Re: Using logical OR in a while statement?
« Last post by Espallator on August 28, 2010, 07:57:14 am »
Can I use the logical OR operator in a while statement? How?
I tried like:
while(c != \'1\' || c != \'2\')
while((c != \'1\')||(c != \'2\'))

but it doesn\'t work. The weird thing is that
while(c != \'1\')

it works!

I solved it! I just changed || for && and its working. ;D
Micro-IDE / Using logical OR in a while statement?
« Last post by Espallator on August 21, 2010, 07:54:30 am »
Can I use the logical OR operator in a while statement? How?
I tried like:
while(c != \'1\' || c != \'2\')
while((c != \'1\')||(c != \'2\'))

but it doesn\'t work. The weird thing is that
while(c != \'1\')

it works!
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