MicroTRAK/AVR-C Complete
The ultimate AVR Training & Project Kit at a very affordable price. Ideal for Internet of Things (IoT) applications.
Part No.
MicroTRAK/AVR-C Complete
AVR Training/Project Kit with MINI-MAX/AVR-C
MicroTRAK/AVR-C Complete(No Adapter)
AVR Training/Project Kit with MINI-MAX/AVR-C
6VDC Adapter, 1A
∗ Standard lead time is 1 week
MicroTRAK/AVR-C Complete includes MicroTRAK Carrier Board, MINI-MAX/AVR-C Microcontroller Board, TB-1 Training Board, PROTO-1 Prototyping Board, AVR I/O Module, LCD242-BK LCD, KP1-4X4 Keypad, Cables, Adapter, Training Manuals, Labbook, Demo version of BASCOM-AVR BASIC Compiler, AVR Studio, WinAVR C Compiler, Assembler, Micro-IDE, example projects, Serial downloader, 1-year Warranty.