TB-1 peripheral board example.
Toolkit:SDCC 8051 Development System
/*-----------DEFINES-----------------------------------------------------*/ #define RED P1_3 #define YELLOW P1_1 #define GREEN P1_0 #define BUZZER P1_2 #define SWITCHPORT P3 #define ADCCS P3_7 #define ADCCLK P1_6 #define ADCDIN P1_4 #define ADCDOUT P1 /* P1_4 */ void Buzz( unsigned frequency, unsigned duration ); void Clock(); unsigned char Convert( unsigned char channel); main() { unsigned i; /* Turn all lights off */ RED = 1; YELLOW = 1; GREEN = 1; BUZZER = 1; /* Set the serial port to 9600 Baud */ serinit(CBR_19200); loop: printf("\n Checking LEDs and buzzer..."); for (i=0; i<=5; i++) { RED = 0; Buzz(10+i,40); RED = 1; delay(50); YELLOW = 0; Buzz(5+i,40); YELLOW = 1; delay(50); GREEN = 0; Buzz(3+i,40); GREEN = 1; delay(50); } /* Leave the buzzer off */ BUZZER = 1; printf("\nTesting Switches 1 and 2...\nYou may press any switch\n"); printf("or press any key to exit switch test\n"); while(!chkch()) { if( !(SWITCHPORT & 4)) printf("\nyou pressed switch 1\n"); if( !(SWITCHPORT & 8)) printf("\nyou pressed switch 2\n"); /* Delay a bit to debounce the switches */ delay(250); } printf( "\nTesting ADC..." ); while(!chkch()) { for( i=0; i<4; i++ ) { printf( "\nCh0:%03d Ch1:%03d Ch2:%03d Ch3:%03d", Convert(0), Convert(1), Convert(2), Convert(3) ); } } goto loop; } void Buzz(unsigned frequency, unsigned duration) { unsigned i; for(i=0; i<duration; i++) { BUZZER = 1; delay(frequency); BUZZER = 0; delay(frequency); } BUZZER = 0; } unsigned char Convert( unsigned char channel) { unsigned char value; unsigned char i; /* Reset the A/D converter */ ADCCS = 1; ADCCLK = 0; ADCDIN = 1; /**** Start Conversion ****/ ADCCS = 0; delay(1); /* Start bit */ ADCDIN = 1; Clock(); /* SGL/DIF */ ADCDIN = 1; Clock(); if( channel & 0x01 ) { ADCDIN = 1; } else { ADCDIN = 0; } Clock(); /* SELECT */ if( channel & 0x02 ) { ADCDIN = 1; } else { ADCDIN = 0; } Clock(); /* 1 millisecond delay for the Multiplexer to settle */ delay(1); Clock(); value = 0; ADCDIN = 1; /* Clock out the 8-bit data from A/D converter */ for( i=0; i<8; i++ ) { if( ADCDOUT & 0x10 ) value |= 1; Clock(); if( i < 7 ) value = value << 1; } for( i=0; i<8; i++ ) { Clock(); } return value; } void Clock() { ADCCLK = 1; ADCCLK = 1; /* A little delay */ ADCCLK = 0; }