A simple, multi-channel, precision data acquisition system can be built using MINI-MAX/51, DAQ-2543 and few lines of code in Micro-C. All 8 channels are scanned and results sent to the terminal as raw values from 0 to 4095 ( 12-bit resolution ). Build-in TLC2543_Convert() function of Micro C hides the details of low level access to TLC2543 ADC on DAQ-2543 board. DAQ-2543 accepts 0 to 4.1V input levels.
Toolkit:Micro C 8051 Development System
for( ;; ) { for(channel=0;channel<11;channel++) { value=TLC2543_Convert( channel ); if(value>4095) goto Error; printf( "\nChannel %02d = %04d",channel,value ); } if( chkch() != 0 ) break; }