Serial API test of LCD connected to WiPOM board.
Toolkit:STM Development System
char line[32] = {0}; //******************************************************************************** static void vLCDTEST( void *pvParameters ) { int counter = 10; (void) pvParameters; while(1) { // clear display CursorOffWipomLCD(); ClearWipomLCD(); strcpy(line, "COUNTER"); SetTopLineWipomLCD(); printf_WipomLCD(line,1); bipom_sprintf(line, "%d", counter++); SetBottomLineWipomLCD(); printf_WipomLCD(line,2); vTaskDelay(1000); } } //******************************************************************************** int main(void) { delayMs(250); ERRCODE ec; tprintf("\n\rMini-Max/STM32F1"); tprintf("\n\rLCD TEST REV 1.01"); // Init I2C Soft_I2C_Config(&I2C_SETTINGS); ec = Soft_I2C_Repair(); if (ec) { tprintf("\r\nCannot repair I2C bus. ec=%d", ec); goto func_end; } // Adjust the contrast ec = WriteMCP465(I2C_DEVICE_MCP465_LCD, MCP465_WIPER0, 0x00); if (ec) { tprintf("\r\nCannot adjust contrast of WiPOM display. ec=%d", ec); goto func_end; } // Adjust the LCD backlight ec = WriteMCP465(I2C_DEVICE_MCP465_LCD, MCP465_WIPER1, 0xFF); if (ec) { tprintf("\r\nCannot adjust backlight of WiPOM display. ec=%d", ec); goto func_end; } // init display ec = ConfigWipomLCD(); if (ec) { tprintf("\r\nCannot initialize WiPOM display. ec=%d", ec); goto func_end; } tprintf("\r\nSUCCESS: All I2C devices are initialized"); if(pdPASS != xTaskCreate (vLCDTEST, ( const signed portCHAR * const )"LCDTEST", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE<<4, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY, NULL )) { tprintf("\n\rERROR: can't create LCDTEST task"); } /* Now all the tasks have been started - start the scheduler. */ vTaskStartScheduler(); func_end: for(;;); return 0; }