ARM Development System Support & Frequently Asked Questions

[1] Does the ARM Development system include a Real-Time Operating System (RTOS)?

[2] Does the ARM Development System require a particular board?

[3] Do I need to install cygwin libraries separately?

[4] Why do I need to install ARM7 Development System to C:\Program Files\GNUARM?

[5] Is a debugger included ?

[6] How can I make graphics with ARM Development System?

[7] How can I link my own libraries to GNU Linker ?

[8] Which Operating Systems are supported ?

[9] I installed GNU ARM and WinAVR. After this ARM compiler doesn't work anymore. It freezes inside MicroIDE. I use Windows XP OS.

[1] Does the ARM Development system include a Real-Time Operating System (RTOS)?

Yes, ARM Development includes the source, library files and an example for FreeRTOS, a popular RTOS for the ARM platform.

[2] Does the ARM Development System require a particular board?

No, but it is seamlessly integrated to our MINI-MAX/ARM board which simplifies ARM microcontroller development. ARM Development system has a built-in serial loader and examples for our MINI-MAX/ARM board.

[3] Do I need to install cygwin libraries separately?

No, installation automatically installs cygwin libraries and creates the proper path to the executables.

[4] Why do I need to install ARM7 Development System to C:\Program Files\GNUARM?

This is because the examples in our ARM Development System expect to find the GNUARM toolkit at
C:\Program Files\GNUARM

[5] Is a debugger included ?

Not yet, but we are working on adding a support for an ARM debugger such as GDB for ARM. This will be integrated into out Micro-IDE graphical user interface. Watch our website for latest developments.

[6] How can I make graphics with ARM Development System?

ARM Development system includes a free Graphics Library (GL) for Organic LED (OLED) displays. This includes a demo example, too. We are also developing a Professional Graphics Library (PGL) for advanced image processing and graphics functions for ARM.

[7] How can I link my own libraries to GNU Linker ?

Please analyze LINKER command line of any existing project. For example:

"{TOOLKITDIR}\bin\arm-elf-ld.exe" -v -T  "{ROOTDIR}\GCC\LPC2000\cstartup\lpc2138.ld" -nostartfiles -nostdlib -o {TMPFILE} "{ROOTDIR}\GCC\LPC2000\cstartup\boot.o" {OBJFILES} -ldrv -lc -lgcc

The linker will add libdrv.a,libc.a,libgcc.a libraries  to the project.
Of course, it will add boot.o startup code and OBJ files of the applications.
To obtain more information on the linker options you can visit

[8] Which Operating Systems are supported ?

Our tools support Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP/Vista

[9] I installed GNU ARM and WinAVR. After this ARM compiler doesn't work anymore. It freezes inside MicroIDE. I use Windows XP OS.

The reason of this problem - several cygwin1.dll files installed with GNUARM and WinAVR.How to solve this:

- Run Windows Search and look for cygwin1.dll file.
- Find recent file and copy it to %WIN%\System32\ folder. %WIN% - folder where Windows is installed.
- Delete all other cygwin1.dll files. The only cygwin1.dll file should exist in %WIN%\System32\ folder.
- Reboot the PC. After this both compilers should work well.